






Find balanced results within the 5 key elements; Breath, Fuel, Movement, Sleep, and Lifestyle.

“When we optimize our breathing, we can realize new levels of health, performance, fitness and wellness”

XPT (Extreme Performance Training)

LIFE-WEI is based on Kevin’s XPT Performance Breathing Certification and experience with XPT Lifestyle, founded by Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece.

XPT is a sustainable way to train your body, to perform like every day is game day, not just Sunday.

LIFE-WEI is for everyone, including Developing and Elite Athletes, Emergency Professionals, Youth, Parents, Executives, and Aging Adults.


Kevin Dewlen

A lifelong athlete, native to Colorado, Kevin is an entrepreneur, builder, and passionate about what constitutes living a balanced life. Over the last several years, Kevin focused his attention by exploring the depths of fitness, overall health, and developed a strong personal practice of breath-work.  This exploration of improved lifestyle is a direct result of working as a design/build consultant for over 18 years. He recognizes the need to find skills to handle stress, manage/motivate others, and problem solve in a productive calm manner.  


Performance Breath Coaching

Breathing is the most basic thing we do in life, if we pay attention to it and exercise the respiratory muscles it becomes the building blocks of all other athletic endeavors.   

With Performance Breath Coaching, the aim is to optimize breathing to optimize everything in the body.  

Proper breath uses the diaphragm, inhaling through the nose, targeting 4-6 breath cycles per minute at rest.  With specific exercises we train the respiratory muscles to build strength, and increase the tolerance to C02 . This enables the body to perform at an increased 10-15% efficiency in life and athletic performance.

Breather Fit training to strengthen the breathing muscles is a critical element in performance. For improvement, but also to increase our breathing capacity if training has been put on hold for illness.

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Dysfunctional Breathing

Examples: Mouth breathing, over breathing, sleep apnea, snoring, chest pain, poor blood flow, dizziness, headache, paresthesia, shortness of breath, excessive yawning or sighing, muscle cramps, tension, anxiety, allergies, asthma, dry mouth, heartburn, exhaustion, poor concentration, poor sleep.

Performance Breathing

Begins with establishing the basic breath pattern and correcting any dysfunctional breathing.  Performance breathing will strengthen nasal breath, improve CO-2 tolerance, find FLOW state, help moderate stress/anxiety, and improve sleep quality.  

In athletic performance, breath training will focus on pre-workout, bracing, downshifting and recovery, improving efficiency, competition, high altitude, and ways to track improvement and benefits.

Performance LifeStyle Coaching

What we Fuel ourselves with empowers us to take on greater tasks, remain focused, build immunity, to stay healthy in training, endeavors, and lifestyle.

How we Move ourselves in different modalities, including strength, cardio, multi-directional, allows us to find new limits. Pushing through fatigue, builds our endurance for those bigger adventures.

If we are not Sleeping well, we are putting ourselves at risk for a host of other problems.

Adapting your Lifestyle to natural stressors, hot/cold contrast, the benefits go beyond athletic performance. Also, how do we balance ourselves and activities to achieve our goals.

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5 Key Elements


The most important thing we do every day is breathing.  Explore types of breath, benefits, proper cycle, and XPT Performance Breathing.


Begin to see more restful sleep when breathing properly, fueling correctly, moving well, and the additional life tools to help facilitate this key element of health.


Let’s look at what can be eliminated from the diet. Then, focus on eating whole simple/balanced foods, basics for cooking, intermittent fasting, and pre/post workout intake.



Find a morning routine to start the day, exercise during the day that fits your need, functional movement, HIIT, strength, cardio, core, balance, and recovery.


Implement being present in what you do, Hormesis (hot/cold), mental focus, and positivity, Lagom (not too little, not too much, just right), eliminating inflammation, and Wu-Wei (actionless-action or natural flow).

Breath-Work and Performance Coach Services:

LIFE-WEI sessions are customized to each individual’s or group’s needs. 

An initial Breath-Work consult will examine the basics of breathing properly, with the ability to increase in intensity as needed. Varied styles of breath-work will then be utilized to improve one’s lifestyle as well as athletic performance through breath patterns, breath holds, and more.  

Initial Performance Coach consults will look at some of the ways to find simple solutions based on Breath, Fuel (Diet), Movement, Sleep, and Lifestyle.  Each session will cater to a client’s needs with the ability to go into greater depth on any of the 5 lifestyle elements.

Plan your Session


Scheduling sessions in advance is preferred, but last minute openings are also available.

Individual session rates and discounted package rates available when you contact LIFE-WEI. Group/Class rates to be determined upon group size and location.

Cash, Check, PayPal- preferred payment methods.

Client Questionnaire

Upon initial contact and scheduling, look for a follow up email from LIFE-WEI with the Client Questionnaire.

This will provide a better overall picture of health dynamics to focus on during your session.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation is requested to be 24 hours in advance.

Any cancellation made after that period will be charged the rate of the session.

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